一、windows安装: 直接下载地址: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win64/static/ffmpeg-20160316-git-d0a9114-win64-static.7z 解压后就可以使用: ffmpeg -i C:\ffmpeg\test.avi -b:v 640k c:\ffmpeg\output.ts 二、linux源代码安装: 例如以下: 下载 源代码包:ffmpeg-2.8.6.tar.bz2 1.从网络上下载到的源代码包,然后解压到指文件夹 如果下载文件夹 /opt/soft cd /opt/soft 解压包: tar -jxvf ffmpeg-2.8.6.tar.bz2 进入解压后文件夹 cd ffmpeg-2.8.6 运行 ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg 提示出错: yasm/nasm not found or too old. Use --disable-yasm for a crippled build. If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest version from Git. If the latest version fails, report the problem to the ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg.org mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on irc.freenode.net. Include the log file "config.log" produced by configure as this will help solve the problem. 依照提示须要安装yasm 使用例如以下 yum install yasm 安装完毕后,继续运行 ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg 时间比較长,须要等待几分钟 然后运行以下 make make install 时间比較长,须要等待几分钟 运行过程没有报错,则安装成功 检查是否安装成功: /usr/local/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg --version 报错例如以下: /usr/local/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libavdevice.so.56: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 提示库文件找不到。 改动文件/etc/ld.so.conf 内容添加/usr/local/ffmpeg/lib/vim /etc/ld.so.confinclude ld.so.conf.d/*.conf/usr/local/ffmpeg/lib/使改动生效ldconfig运行 /usr/local/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg --version则返回配置环境变量 pathexport PATH=/usr/local/ffmpeg/bin/:$PATHenv则在不论什么文件夹都能够运行 ffmpeg --version測试运行转码:ffmpeg -i test.avi -b:v 640k output.ts